Campsite's Facilities :
Mobile homes and chalets rentals Pets allowed
pitches 150 pitches
Activities for children during the dayFew entertainments
Evening entertainmentsFew entertainments
Address : (View map )

La Borie

Dordogne (24)


Reception phone number : 05 53 07 24 32
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campsite nearby a river, fishing, canoë, pools, waterslide, tennis, volley, terrain de football, playground for children, snack bar, all the day long entertainment during summer, a lot of sites to visit just 10 kilometers around. you can surf on the web in our cyber café, or wi-fi if you take your notebook with you.

Labels & Chains
Alan Rogers ,
Spoken languages :
fr en es dk
Campsite's opening period : 01/04 - 30/09
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