campsite Chippokes Plantation State Park
Campsite's Facilities :
Activities for children during the dayNo entertainment
Evening entertainmentsNo entertainment
Address : (View map )

695 Chippokes Park Rd

23883 Surry

United States

Reception phone number : 8009337275
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Chippokes Plantation State Park is one of the oldest working farms in the United States. Chippokes is a living historical exhibit located in a rural agricultural area along the James River in Surry County. In addition, the park has a wide variety of traditional park offerings, including a swimming complex, visitor center, picnic facilities, and hiking and biking trails. The plantation has kept its original boundaries since the 1600s and has a variety of cultivated gardens and native woodland. The formal gardens surrounding the Chippokes Mansion are accented by azaleas, crepe myrtle, boxwood and seasonal flowers. The plantation grounds are also home to the Chippokes Farm and Forestry Museum.

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