campsite Qeparo campsite Qeparo
Campsite's Facilities :
Activities for children during the dayNo entertainment
Evening entertainmentsNo entertainment
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Reception phone number : 00355672058709
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The camp lies in an area about 2 dynym. People stay in tents 2,4,8. 24 hour water and power. WC in the ratio 1 to 10. Beach dedicated only to campistet.Minidiscoteke. Campsite has space for umbrellas and rulotash determination.Fun games, chess, babington, voley, soccer, canoe, etc.
Tourist guide to places near Camp as: Porto Palermo (2 km), Borsh (3km) Llaman (8km), ecc.
You are welcome

Labels & Chains
Yelloh Villages
Spoken languages :
en it
Campsite's opening period : 15/05 - 01/10
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